June,2006 IssueiNo4j
RIFA@Top Koryu@Top Japanese Por‚”uguês
@@RIFA's English Classes@@

Let enjoy English study with a Canadian teacher and extend international understanding.
Class Capacity The first day Day Hours Times Place
‡T(Beginner)The first term 15 Sep. 27th Wed. ‚P‚XF‚O‚O`‚Q‚OF‚O‚O ‚P‚O Community
‡T(Beginner)The second term 15 Jan. 10th Wed. ‚P‚XF‚O‚O`‚Q‚OF‚O‚O ‚P‚O
‡U(Advanced)The first term 15 Sep. 27th Wed. ‚Q‚OF‚P‚O`‚Q‚PF‚P‚O ‚P‚O
‡U(Advanced)The second term 15 Jan. 10th Wed ‚Q‚OF‚P‚O`‚Q‚PF‚P‚O ‚P‚O

\10,000 for RIFA members \12,000 for Non RIFA members
@iAbout \2,500 for a textbook is exclusive.j
–Although you can apply for the first and the second terms respectively, the textbook is used in both terms continuously.
– Please pay the fee by the end of July after your application is accepted.(By mail or remittance by bank draft is acceptable.)
kTolRitto International Friendship Association 1-13-33 Anyoji Ritto 520-3088
@kThroughlRitto Branch Office of Shiga Bank @@Ritto Kokusai Koryu Kyoukai Futsu147649

@Please keep in mind that your cancellation within 1month before the class opening cannot apply to repayment.
Application: For RIFA members, from June 19(Mon.); and for non RIFA members, from June 20(Tue.) on the phone(First come, first served)
– At least ten applicants are needed to hold each class.
– Criteria of the level for the Class ‡T is a beginner level to the level of the pre second of English Test admitted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Class ‡U the second grade of the test or higher, however, you can choose the class freely.
The place, Community Center Daihohigashi, is on the third floor of Wing Plaza in front of Ritto Station

@@Tea party for international understanding@@

`New Zealand`
@Inviting a young New Zealander man, who has been living in Japan for a year, RIFA holds a tea party. We will listen to him about some tips on New Zealand policy, sightseeing spots, and his observation on Japan over New Zealan confectionaries.
Date &Time:

July 6(Thursday) 7:00 p.m.`8:30 p.m.
Community Center Harutanishi
RIFA members Free Non RIFA members \300
From 9:00 a.m. June 19 30 people on the phone(First come, first servedj
Inquiry and application for the above-mentioned: RIFA at 077-551-0293
@Edito's Note@
The year the next marks the tenth year since RIFA was established. It is time for us to think of and decide on the direction how we greet the year, what we should do then, and what becomes of RIFA afterwards. We would like to hold citizen-oriented events and appeal RIFA to not only the area but also world, taking this opportunity to improve ourselves furthermore. Therefore, we'd like you to provide RIFA with your opinions and ideas. We hope you will keenly participate in RIFA's events from now on, too.
June,2006 IssueiNo4j


Translated by Michiko Kitayoshi