December, 2007 Issue(No4)
RIFA Top Koryu Top  Japanese
Invitation to RIFA English Classes in Second Term

Class Capacity Open/Close Date Hours Times Place
Beginner-T 15 Every Wednesday from Jan.16 to March 19 19:00〜20:00 10 Community
Advanced-U 15 20:10〜21:10 10
Fee : \10,000 for RIFA members and \12,000 for non-RIFA members. Note that about \2,000 for textbook is excluded.

Criteria is level for Class-I is equivalent to level of pre-second of English test admitted by Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology, and Class-II is equivalent to level of second grade of test or higher. However, you can choose class freely.

Apply by January 8 Please be hurry since some students will continue to have class from first term. Will accept application for 8:30-17:15 from Monday to Friday. Not that office will be closed from December 29, 2007 to January 3, 2008 due to year end and new year.

Application and inquiry :RIFA office with phone no. 077-551-0293
Will you learn technique to teach Japanese to foreign residents?
Invitation to Japanese Teachers Training Class
Class is so designed as to be ease even for beginners.
Date :
Time :
Place :

Instructor :

Capacity :
Fee :

Application and inquiry :
First class on February 10 and second class on February 17, 2008
13:30 - 15:30
Community Center Daiho-Higashi located at 3rd floor of Wing Plaza in front of JR Ritto Station
Keisuke Maruyama-San , professor in faculty of arts and sciences of Doshisha Women University
40 students
Free charge for RIFA members and 1,000\/class for non-RIFA members

RIFA office with phone no. 077-551-0293
Our request
RIFA Japanese Class in which foreign residents are learning Japanese on man to man basis is being held for 10:30-12:00 on every second and forth Saturday. Students who finish class are asked to join Japanese Class as teacher.

Collection of RIFA Members
Will you be RIFA membership ? If so, you will enjoy friendship between members deepening international understanding and friendship.
Regarding application and inquiry ,please contact with RIFA office with phone no. 077-551-0293
[Request RIFA members to pay member's fee]
For RIFA members who do not pay member's fee yet, please remit fee to Bank of Shiga with bank draft or bring it to RIFA office directly.

15th anniversary of friendship city conclusion between Ritto City and Hengyang

《《Concert for Frienship》》
Date : February 3, 2008
Place : Chu-Hall of Sakira
Sponsored by : Bunka-Taiku Shinko Jigyodan of Ritto City
Jointly with : Kyoiku Inkai of Ritto City
Supported by : RIFA and others
Inquiry : Please contact with persons in charge through phone, 077-551-0318
《《Under sales of ticket》》

[ Shunka Shuto]

From this year, I have been joining activities to publish [Koryu] by sounding from my former teacher at age of high school. I am putting in appearance impudently. I addition, I have invited my friend who were saying " international friendship is irrelevant for me" . However, I am felling that it would be very enjoyable. It would be best for me to reflect such energy and enjoyment into international friendship activities !!!

December, 2007 Issue(No4)
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Translated by Hiroshi Horiike