June, 2008 Issue(No4)
RIFA Top Koryu Top Japanese

31th Cross Cultural Exchange Salon
~ Cooking and Eating♪♪ ~

Enjoy the summer by eating breads and salads of various countries------- get typical family dishes with talking.
Date/time : 10:00-14:00 on July 13(Sunday)
Place : Community Center Haruta-Higashi
Contents : Japanese, Chinese, Peruvian, Brazilian Salads
Participating expense :
RIFA members : 500 Yen
Elementary school students and foreign residents : 500 Yen
Others : 800 Yen
Capacity : 40 persons on a first-come-first-served basis
Application by : July 3(Thursday)

English Class-First Term

OCourse : Beginner ?I ( equivalent to level-3 of Eiken)
Advanced-II(equivalent to level-2 of Eiken)
ODate/Time :
  September 3 to November 5
  Every Wednesday( 10 times in total)
  Beginner-I : 19:00-20:00
  Advanced-II : 20:10-21:10
OPlace : Community Center           Daihoh-Higashi(3rd floor of Wing     Plaza in front of Ritto Station)
OFee :
   10,000 Yen for RIFA members
   13,000 Yen for Non-RIFA members
 Need cost for textbook, about 2,500   yen additionally
OInstructor : Art. Kaminsky
OCapacity : 15 persons on a    

 first-come-first-served basisO
 Application by : August 6(Wednesday)

Consulting Window for Foreign Resident
~ Communicate in Portuguese ~

ODate/Time : 13:00-17:00
    at every Wednesday
OPlace : Shimin-Katsudo    
   Promotion Section
   at 3rd floor of Ritto City Hall

RIFA Japanese Teaching Class
ODate/Time : 10-30-12:00
      at 2nd and 4th Saturday
OPlace : Chuo-Kominkan
OFee  : free

Korean Class(Voluntary Class)
ODate/Time : 19:00-20:30
at first, second and third Tuesday
OPlace : Chuo-Kominkan
OFee  : 3,000 Yen per month
OInstructor : Junko Nagata

Chinese Class(Voluntary Class)
ODate/Time : 16:15-17:45 at   Saturday(3 times per month)
OPlace : Kinro-Seshonen Home
OFee : 3,000 Yen per month
OInstructor : Shi Yun Xiang
Please contact RIFA office regarding an inquire and application to various events and language classes carelessly
Phone No. 077-551-0293, Facsimile No. 077-554-1123, E-mail Address : Mail@rifa.jp
E-mail Address : Mail@rifa.jp

Collection of RIFA Members
For the persons who are interested in an international exchange, please consider to join in RIFA membership.
[ Special favor] :
Odiscount of fee for participating in RIFA events and classes
ODeliver [Koryu] and event guidances
[ Member’s fee] :
OIndividual member : 2,000 Yen
OFamily member : 5,000 Yen
OCorporate member : 20,000 Yen

RIFA Committee’s Activities

General Affair & Public Relations
OPublish [Koryu], quarterly
OPromote PR activities of RIFA and to expand membership
OMake and manage RIFA home-page
Cultural Exchange
OPlan and manage events and cross cultural salons
OPromote an exchange activities with sister city and friendship city

10th Anniversary Project (in 2007 and 2008)
OPlan and implement memorial events
OPublish memorial document

RIFA Voluntary Activities

Let join RIFA committees and voluntary activities if you want to be active enjoyably and more positively, and rise RIFA. Major area of activities are as follows.
OInterpretation and translation
OTeaching of Japanese
OHome-stay, home-visit
OIntroduction of culture
Foreign residents are welcomed. Please transfer these information to your friends.

Now is a season that wind seems to be fragrant and all things become energetic.
I resulted in going to a bonesetter from my little carelessness, just as I was thinking it to utilize plenty of times effectively. Big shock !!!
However, I was feeling that times were passing away due to unexpected incident, and thinking that an incident would be valuable experience for me after few days.
Let try to spend times slowly and leisurely together with an incident !! I may think that was an excellent time ?    (K.Y)

June, 2008 Issue(No4)
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Trans lated by Hirosi Horiike