2008 Issue (Vol.35 )
RIFA Top Koryu Top Japanese

*Latter Term*English Class

Duration Jan.14to March 18
     Every Wednesday(10 times in total)

Course : Beginner-I  19:00~20:00
Advanced-II    20:10~21:10
Place : Community Center Daiho-Higashi located at 3rd
     floor of Wing Plaza in front of Ritto Station
Fee : 10,000\ for RIFA members and 13,000\
     for None-RIFA members excluding 2,500 for textbook..
Teacher : Art. Kaminsky San
Capacity : 15 students( a first-come-first served basis)   
      (10 students are required in minimum for opening Class)
           *** Applied by December 3 ***
Please contact RIFA office regarding an inquire and application to various events and language classes carelessly
Phone No. 077-551-0293, Facsimile No. 077-554-1123, E-mail Address : Mail@rifa.jp
E-mail Address : mail@rifa.jp
Collection of RIFA Members

For the persons who are interested in an international exchange, please consider to join in RIFA membership.

[ Special favor] :
・discount of fee for participating in RIFA   events and classes
・Deliver [Koryu] and event guidances
[ Member’s fee] :
・Individual member : 2,000 Yen
・Family member : 5,000 Yen
・Corporate member : 20,000 Yen

General Affair & Public Relations
・Publish [Koryu] quarterly
・PR for RIFA to expand membership
・Prepare/manage homepage
Cultural Exchange
・Plan/implement events and classes
・Exchange with sister/friendship cities

10th Anniversary Project
(in 2007 and 2008)

・Plan/implement memorial events
RIFA Voluntary Activities

Let join RIFA committees and voluntary activities if you want to be active enjoyably and more positively, and rise RIFA. Major area of activities are as follows.
・Interpretation and translation
・Teaching of Japanese
・Home-stay, home-visit
・Introduction of culture
Foreign residents are welcomed. Please transfer these information to your friends.

    “Think globally, act locally” is word that we would like to select
     as catch phase of RIFA 10th anniversary.
  Ritto is livable and verdant, and town that people feel warm. We would be delighted if foreign people feel Ritto is comfortable and thereby make Ritto their second home town. Let co-work with us not only to educate child so as to love home town and to challenge “Globalization”, but also to make new tradition for multi-cultural symbiosis. And, let endeavor with us to enrich and develop RIFA.
            We would appreciate your support.

September, 2008 Issue(Vol.35)
Trans lated by Hirosi Horiike