March, 2006 Issue(No4)
RIFA Top Koryu Top Japanese
RIFA Intriductory Chinese Class

It is the class for people who study Chinese for the first time. It begins with pronunciation and greeting.
Date & Time…on Thursdays (Ten times from May 18 ) 19:00~20:30
Place…Ritto-shi Kinro seishonen Home
Teacher…Ms. Shi Yunxiang
Fee…RIFA members \10,000 Non RIFA members \12,000
(excluding \500 for materials)
* Please pay the amount by the end of April after your application is accepted.
(It is also acceptable by mail or through a bank.)
〔Address〕Ritto International Friendship Association
1-13-33 Anyoji Ritto 520-3088
〔Bank account〕Shiga ginko Ritto shiten Receiver:Ritto Kokusai Koryu Kyokai  Hutsu 147649
Application…Please call RIFA(first come first served)

RIFAKorean Class and RIFA Chinese class
   are run by the representatives and the students as

RIFA's voluntary classes
  RIFA Korean Class(Beginers' and intermediate)
 "Studying Korean and at the same time extending interests to various Korean culture"
    Date & Time:(Ongoing)Basically on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays 19:00〜20:30
    Place:Ritto-shi Chuo Kminkan
    Capacity:15 perple
    Fee:¥3000 a month
RIFA Chinese Class(Beginers' and intermediate)
    Date & Time:(Ongoing)Basically on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays 19:00〜20:30
    Place:Ritto-shi Kinro seishonen Home
    Capacity:15 perple
    Fee:¥3000 a month

We would like your cooperation for RIFA's events by planning and operating in each committee below.

 RIFA's events were supported by the three committees. We hope for your involvements in your favorite field.
○General Affairs and Public
Relations Committee:
To expand membership.
To issue newsletter four times a year
To renew web pages.

○Exchange Project Committee: @

To hold events regarding the sister cities(Birmingham, Michigan , the U.S.A and Hengyang, Hunan, China) commissioned by Ritto City. 
To have a gathering for RIFA members jointed with the Cultural Project Committee in a year.

○Cultural Project Committee: @
To have cross cultural exchange events three times a year.
To have a gathering for RIFA members jointed with the Exchange Project Committee in a year.
Edito's Note
It's time for horse tails to come up from the ground. What about warming up and getting ready for the new fiscal year? Although it might be a little late, I began a way of sweet fish fishing named tomoduri at the age of 58. Four years have passed, but it cannot be said as fishing yet. I have just come to realize its difficulties to put my bait to their territory, depending on the river, weather and flow of the river. I am excited to think of what device to take and how to be friend with sweet fish, reviewing my instructor's advice, in order to spend a joyful summer. It would be the most pleasant time when you excitedly think of something.(Y.T.)
                                                           March, 2006 Issue(No4)

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Translated by Michiko Kitayoshi