December,2006 IssueiNo4j
RIFA@Top Koryu@Top Japanese @Por‚”uguês
RIFA's English Classes

Let's deepen international understanding while enjoying studying English with a Canadian teacher.
Class Capacity The first day Day Hours Times Place
‡T(Beginner)The second term 15 Jan. 10th Wed. ‚P‚XF‚O‚O`‚Q‚OF‚O‚O ‚P‚O Community
‡U(Advanced)The second term 15 Jan. 10th Wed ‚Q‚OF‚P‚O`‚Q‚PF‚P‚O ‚P‚O
Fee: \10,000 for RIFA members \12,000 for Non RIFA membersiAbout \2,500 for a textbook is exclusive, but those who participated in the first term do not have to pay.j@
The same textbook is used as that of the first term.
Please pay the fee by the end of December after your application is accepted.iBy mail or remittance by bank draft is acceptable.j@@@
kTolRitto International Friendship Association 1-13-33 Anyoji Ritto 520-3088
kThroughlRitto Branch Office of Shiga Bank @@Ritto Kokusai Koryu Kyokai Futsu147649

 Please keep in mind that your cancellation within one month before the class opening cannot apply to repayment.
Application: It has already been accepting from the first term. (first come, first served)
At least ten applicants are needed to hold each class.
–Criteria of the level for the Class ‡T is a beginner level to the level of the pre second of English Test admitted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Class ‡U the second grade of the test or higher, however, you can choose the class freely.

RIFA's Class for Japanese instructors
@Mr. Toshiyuki Yoshioka, Japanese instructor, will give a three-time lecture on how to teach Japanese, using the textbook "Minna no Nihonngo".
Date Place
1 February 3(Sat.) Kenshu-shitsu D in Wing Plaza
2 February 17(Sat.) Kenshu-shitsu D in Wing Plaza
3 March 17(Sat.) Kenshu-shitsu D in Wing Plaza

The class is from 10:10 to 11:50 every time.

Capacity: 25 people(First come, first servedj
Fee: RIFA members Free Non RIFA members \2000
When and how to apply: Acceptance will begin at 9:00 December 18 on the phone.
@RIFA Japanese Class for foreign residents is held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 10:30 to 12:00 at a room named Kakushudantai-shitsu in Ritto Chuo kominkan. Students come irregularly and their levels vary, so the way to teach is on person to person basis. After finishing the above-mentioned class, please think of teaching in RIFA's Japanese class.
@For inquiry and application for each class, please call RIFA at 551-0293
@Edito's Note@
@There are too much gloomy news these days. Bullying, suicide, bid riggingc It seems countless. That's said, there are many people who try to live with their full strength in the fields of figure skating, volley ball, golf and so on. The marathon runner Naoko Takahashi known as Q-chan was in third place, but she says she never give up the Beijing Olympics for this only one loss. There will be many fans who are looking forward to seeing her smiling face again. That's the very thought we should cherish now. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (K.K)
December,2006 IssueiNo4j


Translated by Michiko Kitayoshi