September, 2005 Issue
RIFA  Top Koryu Top Japanese
Letter from Holland〔Autumn〕(2)
 This year Holland has a cold summer. Though there were days of 30 degrees in June, it did not last for long and since that time the weather is about 15 degrees and it is raining almost everyday. Like I described before, the Dutch people like to go camping in their own country, and many of them do, even with this bad weather. But also many people choose to go abroad, where the sun shines. Nobody expected this summer to be rainy like now. Travel agencies got a lot of clients who want to go out of the country at the last moment, so all last minutes are taken or you have to pay double prices to go on holiday, which is very expensive.
 In the shops there are a lot of sales f summer clothes. Winter clothes are already new in the shops and with this weather; everybody likes to buy something warm like a coat. In the autumn months, not so much is going on. Everybody is working, and especially waiting for December, when it will be a month full of parties like Christmas.

Visiting Suzan(Suzanne)
 The first grader of High school Miss Miyuko Miyagi, who was a member of Suzan’s host family, visited Suzan several months after her returning to her own country. The following is Miyuko’s story:

 It was an about ten-hour flying from Kansai airport to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. Suzan came to pick me up at the airport by car. Through the window of her car on our way to her home, I saw some windmills both sides of the fields on the read, which made me feel that I came to Holland was real. I saw horses and cows pastured on the fields, and private horses taken on a walk. I heard Dutch people tend to like horse riding and Suzan is no exception. She has her own horse and sometimes competes in steeplechases. Recommended by her, I rode on her horse, but I was so scared that I could barely ride for five minutes.
 She took me to Keukenhof, flower garden, in which tulips were in full-bloom. There was a souvenir shop where they sold colorful wooden shoes hung on the entire walls and ceiling. Sizes vary from about 12 centimeters for babies and 30 centimeters for adults. I was surprised to hear that they sell wooden shoes for farmers and some farmers still put them on.
 We went to the house of Anne Frank, author of “The Diary of Anne.” I saw some Japanese there, but few foreign peope seem to go to the amusement    park named Efteling, and I felt myself stared a little.
 One of the most interesting places was the amusement park Madurodam which is like a miniature of Holland and adjacent countries. It might be an idea to visit here first and decide where to go sightseeing.

RIFA Supports 2005 Omi Tabunka Festibval

 Omi Tabunka Festibval held for the first time last year will be held this year, too. A symposium with a concert, and sessions for intercultural experience in Biwako Hall and a cross-cultural parade and booths by college students outside Biwako Hall will be unfolded from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 18. Ritto International Frienship Association supports this event this year as well as last year.
  Former Chairperson Mitsusaburo Ikai passed away on July 10. He was devoted to the founding and operating RIFA as the first RIFA’s chairperson, and supported RIFA as an adviser after resigning the position. We extend our sincere condolence on his death.
Editor's Note
 Gardening can be seen here and there these days. I feel relaxed when passing by. I remembered seeing flowers on every veranda when I went on a trip to Italy. Wonderfulness flowers have makes happy wherever you go. I enjoy gardening, thinking that I’d love to give off happiness to my neighbors.(S.M.)

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Translated by Michiko Kitayoshi