Ritto International Friendship Association’s News Letter

Ritto International Friendship Association
 December, 2005 Issue 
      (Vol. 24)

Ritto International Friendship Association

1-13-33 Anyoji Ritto Shiga 520-3088
TEL 551-0293     FAX 552-9320
Edited by RIFA General & Public Relations Committee

RIFA top Koryu top Jananese
With capoeira, karate and throwing biongo

 Brazilians; Mr. Julio Ikeda, Mr. Antonio Gomes, and Mr Guilherme Tamura, are invited to the event. They performed capeira, a Brazilian martial art. Amazingly, it was accompanied with music. They use a berimbau, bow-shaped instrument with a gourd-shape thing; a caxixi, a small bell-shaped instrument that sounds like a maracas; and a pandeiro, an instrument that has similar shape and sound to tambourine.
 The participants were enchanted with their actions moving quickly to the right and left with the music. They did forward rolls, back rolls, and kicking with rolling. A RIFA member bravely joined them. The audience cheered him with his wonderful performance.

Introducing the instruments.

 Following was Mr. Koichi Nakano’s karate performance. His goju-ryu style of karate performance made the atmosphere of the venue become tense. The audience sighed with his static and dynamic actions with no useless movement. Explained by him, they understood the actions of the art of self-defense.
 Both capoeira and karate was created for people who have no arms to protect themselves, and have handed down. Even today, both are similar to each other in that they have spread as martial arts to train themselves.
 After that, they enjoyed the gathering, throwing bingo and refreshment. Throwing bingo game was reportedly devised in Ritto. They were divided into five teams and everyone, young children and adults alike, competed seriously in the tournament. Although the game looked easy, adults might be beside themselves because of its depth.
 Brazilian confectionaries and Japanese takoyaki were offered for refreshment. They enjoyed the food to the full.
Well, let’s look forward to the next event.
Powerful performance of capoeira.

The venue is filled with Mr. Nakano’s power. 

   Throwing bingo altogether
Brazilian confectionaries “How delicious!”

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RIFA Top Koryu Top Japanese

Translated by Michiko Kitayoshi