JSeptember,2006 Issue(No4)
RIFA Top Koryu Top Japanese Português


 August 2(wed.) - September 20(Wed.)〔7 times in total〕
A class to nurture webpage building volunteers was held at the Community Center Daiho Higashi. The instructor was Mr. Aoki, who currently is ROFA's webpage maker and also a member of RIFA General Affairs & Public Relations Committee. The assistant was Ms. Naka, who voluntarily served as and also a member of RIFA General Affairs & Public Relations Committee and who made RIFA's webpage until summer last year. All the participants learned, bringing their own computers. Depending on the computer, various questions or problems happened, saying, "Uh-oh, it doesn't appear,"or "Mine does'n have it." So, both of the instructor and the assistant were busy in the class. Having said that, everyone improved each time. The class has still been continuing when this newsletter is distributed. The students will surely have improved by the last day in Septemeber. We'd be happy if they could help us make RIFA webpage.

May 18(Thur.) - September 20(Thur.)〔10 times in total〕
 RIFA offered Chinese classes since the first year of RIFA. As learners had been studying a little long time, they kept the class on their own helped by RIFA until a little while ago. RIFA heard some people say that the class is difficult for very beginners to study with the students, and offered a Chinese Introductory class at Kinro Seishonen Home.
 The following is a story written by one of the participants.
 Chinese characters we use now were introduced from China, but there are some Chinese characters surprisingly different between the two countries. Pronunciations are completely different. We mostly studied the basic pronunciation. Each Chinese character has a tone pitch. There are four kinds of tone pitches. Unless you acquire the tone pitches, it is hard to have such an intonational conversation. The difference between the highest and the lowest tones is very big. When I traveled to China before, I was surprised to hear people talk loudly at any restaurants. I was persuaded on my own with the lessons in this class about the loudness. They pronounce clearly and, as a result, their conversations sound loud. It was funny that my husband, who attended the class with me, said that it might be impossible to have a confidential talk in Chinese.
 In this class, we practice a song When are you coming again? sung by Teresa Ten, to sing it on the last day. Thanks to a kind classmate, who brought a copy of the CD, we could practice well. I, for one, have no sense of singing and have never been to karaoke, but I felt like I could sing well a little bit, by singing many times with Teresa Ten.
 The enjoyable ten-time class finished so quickly. On the last day, the teacher brought a set of traditional Chinese tea utensil and many kinds of rare tea. We sang the song over the tea. Lastly, to see how we improved, we introduced ourselves in Chinese about address, name, hobbies, and so on, and applauded to one another. We finished the class with a self-satisfaction. Thank you.(Y.K.)
 After September, some of the participants of the above-mentioned class continue the class as a voluntary Chinese class until next March. Please inquire RIFA about it if you'd like.
 Edito's Note 
 I am participating in the class to make web pages. It is enjoyable as it is like a PC lecture for beginners. This issue of RIFA's news letter is filled with RIFA's various activities and articles from foreign countries. The photos are black-and-white, but you can enjoy them in color on our web pages. Please check them out.
September,2006 Issue(No4)

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Translated by Michiko Kitayoshi