September, 2007 Issue(No4)
RIFA Top Koryu Top  Japanese
Invitation to seventh mission to Shoyou City
                --- Let deepen bonds of friendship with Shoyou City ---

◎Visit schedule : 6 days from November 12 to November 17, 2007
◎Visit to : Shoyou City in Kanan Province of China. Note that trip plan except for Shoyou
 City is under developed.
◎Mission members limited to : RIFA members and Ritto citizens
◎Mission members invited : 3 persons for RIFA members and Ritto citizens excluding
 7 persons of representatives of Ritto City, interpreter, and etc.
◎Participating expense : about 100,000 yen per person
◎Superintended by : Ritto City and Ritto International Friendship Association
◎Application to : RIFA by September 28. Phone no is 551-0293

[Shoyou is an inland city located in about 200km of south in provincial capital Chousa in Kaman. The city is a key point of traffic network such as railway and road. Industries and agriculture are prosperous, and underground resources are also abundant.]

Let challenge voluntary instructors to teach Japanese to foreign residents
 RIFA is opining the Japanese Class bi-monthly for the foreign residents who want
to study Japanese. Would you challenge voluntary instructors if being interested in
teaching of Japanese.
RIFA will also open the class for persons to get know-how of teaching Japanese in
around next February.
The Japanese classes are scheduled as follows.
Date and time : 10:30 to 12:00 on 2nd and 4th Saturday as a general rule
Place : Group room in Chuoh-Kominkan

International understanding class

Date and time : 10:00 to 12:00 on October 20, 2007
Place : Nagoyaka Center
Instructors : Sumie San ( Finland), Ryu San(Chaina)
Contents : Hear the family life and the cultures of these countries
Other notes :
Will close an application upto 50 persons
Free of charge for RIFA members and school children and 200yen for others
Take an application to RIFA with phone no. of 551-0293
“ Let enjoy folk costume and sweets of these countries”
Invitation to 29th cross-cultural event

 --- Bus tour to visit nice places in Kouka City and Konan City

- Start at 9:00 from Ritto City Hall and get to them at around 15:40 on November 18(Sunday)

Go to
- Ninjya Village in Kouka, Shigaraki with lunch and colored Chomei Temple

Participating expense
- 2,500 yen for RIFA members and foreign residents, and 3,000 yen for non-RIFA members
- Set up separately for school children and infant. Please ask when taking an application.

Number of participants
- limited to first 50 applicants

Start to accept application
- From September 18 by either phone(551-0293) or e-mai(


 In this summer, the World Field and Track Event was held in Osaka, and wonderful
sports and impression were given to us. RIFA activities were taken up in an September issues of the public news "Ritto" at the time. Although we are not able to perform as wonderful fights as shown in the World Field and Track Event, we should be able to link up the hearts through daily life in the local community.
Let try to flower multiple cultures in Ritto.

September, 2007 Issue(No4)
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Translated by Hiroshi Horiike